Protected Leather


Protected Leather Cleaning


Approximately 80% of all leather furniture and almost all automobiles will be protected leather. Protected leather has a pigment coat applied over the surface and is sealed by a finish of polyurethane resins. In fact, as long as the finish is intact, you are cleaning the finish and not the leather itself.



  1. Identify the leather as protected. A fingernail will not scratch to a lighter color. Water does not absorb into the leather, thereby not darkening the leather. Color is consistent from panel to panel.
  2. Pretest by cleaning a side of the cushion which does not show. Once you are assured it is a protected leather, then proceed. 
  3. Apply a strong cleaner to a sponge and squeeze repeatedly to create foam. Apply to leather panel and work sponge in a circular motion. Wipe up foam with a terry cloth towel. Repeat as necessary. Position a blower to dry leather that has been cleaned.
  4. Once the leather is uniformly clean and dry to the touch, apply a protection cream with a soft cloth. Spread evenly across the leather and let dry naturally.


Helpful Hint – 

  • Make sure that where leather touches leather, it is dry so when the protection cream is applied, the leather will not stick together.



  • If leather darkens in any area, then the finish may be damaged, and aggressive agitation may remove pigment.


Hydro-Force Procedure Guide

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